Best Medical Billing Companies

Best Medical Billing Companies: How to Choose?

The US healthcare landscape is currently flourishing. With an increasing patient population and hospital revenues, medical billing services are in high demand; but with so many billing companies available to healthcare providers, finding one suitable to their practice may prove challenging.

This comprehensive guide explores key considerations that will enable you to navigate the selection process and identify a medical billing partner that optimizes revenue cycle management, streamlines operations and helps with credentialing and compliance.

U.S. Medical Billing is in Transition

The healthcare sector presents unique challenges and opportunities for medical billing companies, so here’s a closer look at a few key considerations:

  • Specialty Focus

From bustling cardiology practices to established pediatrics clinics in, each practice will have unique billing needs. Partnering with an experienced company (like Physicians Choice®) within your specialty field is vital – always look for companies with proven success in areas like orthopedics, primary care or urology depending on where your practice specializes.

  • Regulatory Landscape

The national healthcare billing regulations established by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), while remaining up-to-date with any state-specific or impending regulatory updates, is of critical importance. Therefore, when searching for a medical billing company to support your practice  it’s essential that they have dedicated teams who will actively track any updates related to compliance regulations so your practice remains compliant.  Latest legislation is banning the use of foreign servers to store patient PHI.  This is critical if you are planning on off-shoring your billing to India or other areas outside of the US.

  • Integration

Healthcare providers are increasingly turning to electronic health records (EHR) systems. Integrating your EHR seamlessly with the platform provided by a medical billing company is crucial in order to streamline data transfer, reduce errors, and speed up claim submission.  Also, check to see if the billing company will use the same PM/EHR system you are currently using.   Many companies (like Physicians Choice®) will use your current PM/EHR system.

Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Billing Services

Outsourcing services with  the best medical billing companies has practices numerous advantages:

  • Revenue Generation: Professional billers will ensure accurate coding and timely claim submission, to maximize insurance reimbursements for maximum cash flow and financial security of your practice. This results in improved cash flow and financial security for you.
  • Reducing inefficiency: By relieving staff from tedious billing tasks, they can focus on patient care and practice management – leading to higher patient satisfaction scores as well as improved staff morale.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Outsourcing reduces operational costs by eliminating the need to hire and train dedicated billing personnel, saving on salaries, benefits and software licenses – freeing up resources that can then be better spent towards patient care and practice growth.
  • Compliance Enhancement: Medical billing services stay informed on complex regulations, ensuring your practice abides by coding and billing standards, thereby reducing audit risks and penalties, safeguarding its financial health.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Integrating with an existing practice management system facilitates seamless data exchange and reduces administrative burden, allowing your team to focus on core competencies while still providing high-quality patient care.

Critical Considerations when Selecting a Medical Billing Partner

With so many medical billing companies competing for your business, a thorough selection process is paramount. Here are some key elements you should prioritize when making this important decision:

  • Experience and Expertise

Look for a company with proven expertise in your specific medical specialty as outlined earlier. Our diverse healthcare landscape necessitates expertise in your specific field.  Many off-shore billing companies have extremely aggressive marketing.  If they are too aggressive then it is best not to use them.  Off-shore (India) billing companies are also using NPI registries to spam call and text providers.  This practice is not illegal, just not what you should be looking for.  Off-shore billing companies are difficult to supervise and if something goes wrong.  You will not have any legal recourse except in India where the courts are 20 years behind in cases.  

  • Service Offerings

When selecting a provider, ensure they offer comprehensive offerings that align with your needs. Consider features like the following:

  • Coding and Claim Submission
  • Denial Management/Appeal Process 
  • Processing/Appellee Management Processing
  • Patient Billing Collection 
  • Analytics Reporting and Analytic Services
  • Insurance
  • Will they use your current system or will you have to migrate to theirs
  • Is their call center US based or in India
  • Do they offer credentialing services
  • Technological Prowess

Selecting a reliable billing platform is paramount to practice management software success, integrating seamlessly into existing practice management software systems and offering features such as:

  • electronic claim submission and tracking
  • real-time claim status reporting.
  • comprehensive reporting on collections, denials, and coding trends
  • secure data storage and access controls 
  • Real-time eligibility


  • Security and Compliance

Ensuring patient data security is of utmost importance, and should be given top priority by any organization that meets HIPAA regulations. Look out for certifications such as HIPAA compliance or HITRUST CSF to guarantee an exceptional level of data protection.

  • Transparency and Communication

Open and consistent dialogue is vital to success, so find a company that regularly reports billing performance, claim denials, and collections, as well as provides solutions to inquiries quickly. Ideally, look for one with dedicated account managers as a point of contact.

  • Cost Structure

Be certain the company’s fee structure aligns with your budget. Common billing models may include:

  • Transaction fees for services rendered
  • Percentage collections as a measure of revenue collected.
  • Flat monthly rate which is a predefined set of services that is covered under one monthly fee. 
  • More States are outlawing percentage billing.  Be sure to check your local laws. 

Additional Considerations for the Best Medical Billing Companies

Consider these additional points when refining your search:

  • Company Culture and Size: For greater efficiencies and expertise when handling high volumes of claims, large companies may provide economies of scale; however, you might miss the personalized attention provided by smaller firms. When choosing an insurer that resonates with your values and culture – consider factors like responsiveness, communication style, and commitment to customer service as you compare firms of differing sizes.
  • Client Testimonials and Reviews: Review online reviews written by healthcare providers about your chosen company to gain an idea of its reputation and client satisfaction levels. Look out for reviews that highlight both its strengths and weaknesses – particularly where relevant to your practice’s needs. Check with The Better Business Bureau to see if they have any complaints and check their scores. 
  • Contract Terms and Termination Clause: Carefully review your contract to understand service guarantees, termination clauses, and any hidden fees. Make sure the document outlines both company responsibilities as well as your responsibilities regarding turnaround times for services provided as well as processes for resolving disputes between the two parties involved.
  • Scalability and Growth: When selecting a medical billing partner, consider your future expansion plans carefully. Select an organization with services that can expand to accommodate a growing patient base and changing billing needs.

Building Lasting Partnerships for Success

After selecting an ideal medical billing partner, cultivating an effective working relationship is key to reaping maximum returns from this partnership. Below are some helpful suggestions to promote it:

  1. Set Clear Expectations: Establish clear communication channels and outline your expectations regarding turnaround times for tasks, reporting formats, communication protocols, and claim follow-up procedures. Hold regular meetings with your dedicated account manager to make sure everyone is on the same page.
  2. Accurate and Complete Data: To avoid billing company errors, ensure your practice provides accurate and complete patient data to them – this includes demographics, insurance information, diagnosis codes, procedure codes, and supporting documentation of services rendered.
  3. Maintain Regular Communications: Make time for regular conversations between yourself and your account manager to discuss billing performance, pinpoint any areas for improvement, and address any concerns quickly. Open communication allows for proactive problem-solving while assuring both parties are working towards shared goals.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation: Evaluate the performance of your chosen billing company by monitoring metrics like claim submission rates, denial rates, collection times, and coding accuracy to measure its efficacy. Be sure to regularly review reports provided by them to pinpoint areas in which performance can be enhanced.
  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Stay current on any regulations or coding changes that could affect your practice, working closely with your medical billing partner to ensure it remains compliant and can adapt to changes in the healthcare landscape.


Following these guidelines and forging a close working relationship with your medical billing company can help you easily navigate complex medical billing environments with confidence. Remember, an effective medical billing partner should act as an extension of your practice, working behind the scenes to maximize revenue collection while leaving you free to focus on providing excellent patient care in an ever-evolving healthcare landscape.